You can usually find her licking the encrusted salt off the delicate rim of her engorged margarita glass & slurping on it’s bitter soury juices.

Amelia works at Vivienne Westwood & studied fashion at Westminster.
Her style is visually appetising, foxy & fresh. A true supernatural; Shaken, stirred & condensed into a melting surprise in front of your eyes.

We’ve known each other for <infinity8symbol> years now & she’s still as genuine as the day I met her. I usually refer to her as 'Mills on wills'.

Find out why fashion is somewhere between reality & a façade.

What are your party essentials?

MUSIC some kinda PVC, animal print, fur (faux lol) and diamantes all mixed together with alcohol and my Sally’s.

Tell us about a night out when you employed the most sexually related decision making?

It’s been a while, so probably licking the encrusted salt off the delicate rim of my engorged margarita glass before slurping on it’s bitter soury juices.

Most memorable Dirty Stopout moment?

Haha that’s probably too dirty to tell!

Who is your style icon and why?

I go through phases but I’d say Marilyn Manson, Lux Interior and Poison Ivy atm because they encapsulate everything I love visually and aesthetically, they are dark, sexual and glamorous all at the same time.

You work at Vivienne Westwood, tell us about the strangest experience you had whilst there?

I am working there now so probably best not to spill those beans lol but good strange is probably meeting and talking with Vivienne for the first time during my internship and going to Paris with her for the couture show. She was a big influence to me and the main reason I decided to get in to fashion when I was at school so I was pretty star struck at the time.

What is fashion?

Somewhere between a reality and a façade.

Salad with attitude or Junkie Raccoon?

Junkie raccoon.

Worst party ever?

One with bad music.

Top party tip?

Get off your IG's!!!! Stop filming everything and live it instead.

Best hangover cure?

Pretending you’re not hungover, if that doesn’t work then have another drink.




Matilda is a model with Profile, she’s also a superintendent brain babysitter.

We shoot the breeze with the Bahamas, a big greasy meal and an eyelash curler.

Matilda lives in the big smoke.
