
Cali missed London Fashion Week this season because her dog bit her face.

At our recent shoot, she turned up hungover. I couldn’t have asked for a more fitting model.

With Cali you’ll end up tittering, giggling & caterwauling with glee.

Shes got one toe dipped in Prosecco & the others in the Milky Way.

What are your party essentials?

Cleansed & hydrated skin. Groomed eyebrows. My contact lens case incase my eyes get tired. Lots of Prosecco & a packet of fags.

Local hangout?

Goat or Thomas Cubitt.

Worst party ever?

I don't think I've ever been to a bad party. If I have, I left.

Best party ever?

All of them. Scotch any given weekend.

Most memorable Dirty Stopout moment?

Err... Probably my friend's maid bringing me McDonald's in bed and when I finally rolled out of bed into an Uber Pool, horrified Chinese tourists looking very unimpressed with me.

DJ Whore or Cosmic Hooligan?

Cosmic Hooligan.

Have you ever been Skinny Dipping?

Yes, not much. It was cool. Feels free.

Top party tip?

Chug water before bed no matter HOW much you don’t feel like it. Also good to have an extra pack of fags if you can. Always buy one more bottle of alcohol than anticipated too.

Next on your party hitlist?

All of them.




Permanently on her cusp: An entourage of smouldering dudes.

Frisbeetarian foxes & superlunary pancakes materialise in her wake.

She's just a cosmic girl.

She's just a cosmic girl.