Flutter slap bang into the life & soul of the party.

Tie your wishes to a tree, for this sky fairy will certainly crystallise your party rituals, baby.

You'll get a rush in her presence.

Permanently on her cusp: An entourage of smouldering dudes. Frisbeetarian foxes & superlunary pancakes materialise in her wake.

She's just a cosmic girl.

When she's not fluttering around the globe, Greta lives in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Have you ever been Skinny Dipping?

Oh hell yeah! It’s the best. Hawaii, Big Island 2016. We went through a jungle down to a very small lagoon just the 5 of us in the middle of the night. Waves were crashing to the shore. I’ve never seen a bigger Moon in my entire life. It felt like the day met the night secretly. It was purely magick.

Local hangout?

When in London: Pre-drinks at Sketch. 13 Masons Yard, SW1Y 6BU // Scotch baby.
The Cuckoo Club, Beat & The Box. Hoi Polloi in Shoreditch. House parties.
LA: Petit Hermitage & Chateau Marmont, Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90046.
Hometown; Vilnius, Lithuania: Opium Club.

Top party tip?

Dance your heart out baby. Use extra strong nipple pastie glue. Drink some water.

Worst party ever?

One I didn't go to.

Most memorable Dirty Stopout moment?

I guess it would have to be when I lost my bag with my phone and passport at a club in Ibiza and had to fly back the following morning, which didn't happen. On top of that I lost my friend who I was there with, they thought I had left the party and gone further. Then absolutely by accident (if those even exist) I bumped into some of my favourite and craziest humans on this Earth, who flew in from 5 different countries.
Long story short, what was supposed to be one night in Ibiza turned into a week with literally one and a half outfits, a dehydrated brain and some of the best memories imprinted.

Next on your party hitlist?

Berlin, Berghain! Still haven’t been there.

Are you a DJ Whore or Cosmic Hooligan?

Cosmic Hooligan with a hint of DJ Whore (depends on the moon phases).

Party catchphrase?

I express myself in motion usually so it will be some weird dance moves.

What are your party essentials?

ID, credit card, chewing gum. Lipstick & perfume.

Best party ever?

My 10th birthday party. We invented a game called “darkness”.
Basically the lights would go off, girls would catch boys, boys would catch girls, and kiss in the dark.
Loved it.


