Music Photographer.

Lola lives in London.

She shares her name with a porn star, but she’s a lot cooler.

You can usually find her groovin' around town with salami on her boobs.

If you know, you know.

Photo by Alice May.

Hi Lola, thanks for chatting to us.
To begin...who would you most like to snog your eyeballs?

Christopher Walken.

What spurred your interest in music photography?

A lot of my closest friends are in bands. They're not part of the vast accumulation of groups of early 20-something posh chaps that just LOVE Liam Gallagher and Kurt Cobain, they are actually rather good. Therefore, naturally, they don't always do particularly well. A few years ago I was at one of their many gigs in Herne Hill and noticed that nobody ever bothered to document these less current bands, even if they were incredible. So I decided to revisit my retired hobby of Photography and apply it to the current situation. After a few shows I was hired by a manager to Photograph the debut gig of a new band.

What’s the best performance you've ever seen at a festival?

Foo Fighters at Glastonbury.
Robert Plant at Wilderness was also v groovy.
Tom Petty at British Summertime was one of the best nights I can remember.

Most memorable Dirty Stopout moment?

I fell in the Thames once (it was February. I met a friendly eel.).

Who are you most likely to waste your liver on?

Tom Waits.

Tell us about the wildest party you partook in at Bedales.

My first year at Bedales, I was 13 and I went to my first binge. It was the annual Christmas binge and fantastically exciting. I was promptly breathalyzed and busted upon return to flat. #worthittt

Are you an Inebriated Noodle or Nifty Groover?

Inebriated noooodlaayyy.

Lola with her Mother, Deborah Leng.

Best party ever?

Maybe my Mum's 40th birthday party, I was 3.
And had the best mermaid dress EVER.
Or my 7th birthday party, I held a big snake.

What are your party essentials?

Hairbrush, lip balm, wig.
Humorous hat, goggles.

If you had to choose one family member to take to a party who would it be?

My mother is my best friend.

Which is your favourite vac'pac?

I love the '1 Drag'




Boogieing with Leonardo DiCaprio & 4 month long party benders around Europe... Don’t think twice about reading her interview, strip to it.


Hi Lola!
I just wanted to say very cool site. You seem like a sweetheart with brilliant fashion sense and a great sense of humor :) I’ve been a Queen fan since I was 12, and after seeing Bohemian Rhapsody, fell even more in love with their music. Your dad is a legend, and you and your mom rock! Will definitely be making a purchase 😊
All the best,