
Freddie lives between Marbella, Spain & London, United Kingdom.

She sent me my most favouritist birthday message ever, on my birthday five lives ago...

‘I believe in mermaids. Most of all the kind that live in the depth of londons sea. My most beautiful mermaid who lives inside me. There is & always will be a part of you in me. There always will be. I miss you oddles & noodles... I’m upside down I can’t dance horizontally on crooked chairs with you today baby girl. But I shall shake my maracas on the other side of the sea & blow bubbles that will reach you in the early hours of the mornings. Just like the day we met 5 lives ago. Which means we still got 4 to go and many birthdaysiculs to pop our bubbles and eat cherries under climbing trees. & flying & flying & flying... Follow your dreams my lovely... Otherwise sell them on ebay & buy new wings & the occasional wig & start again... I believe in you today & forever. HappyB Boo
...Te quiero mi niña bonita.‘

What are your party essentials?

Essentially I am essential to a party, I bring bubbles everywhere I go (like actual bubbles) and I’m your dream come true real life bubble Powerpuff girl too… Airways Cherry Chewing Gums is a must, my phone with 500% battery, lip balm and a hair bobble so I can change my hairstyle several times throughout the night.

Worst party ever?

“Worst” and “party” do not belong in the same sentence, sorry. I refuse to answer.

Best party ever?

Oh my golly gosh, sooo many. If I say the time I went to Ibiza for a days job and returned home 2 months later, having taken over the suite at the casino hotel, owned a party bus, met way too many cool kids, frequenting the most elite members boudoir’s, to sneaking into clubs, amazing day parties, crashing boats (ending up in flames - and stranded in the middle of the Mediterranean) beautiful beaches, secret caves and bays, crazy after parties….Lost clothes, keys, phones, cars, friends… And all with a budget of 75 euros - one way ticket.

Most memorable Dirty Stopout moment?

More than a moment, a place and a significant part of my life… Where I met my dear hunny bunny Mrs Jones aka Raspberry Hippopotamus. Where not only did we have our most perplexing parties, but so did about 69% of LONDON’s filthy animal funky monkey’s = 21 New Kings Road. Yes the neighbours loved us.

Are you a DJ Whore or Cosmic Hooligan?

And then some….Both of course, like durr.

Have you ever been skinny dipping? & what happened?

My first time was when I was 13…. My last time was last night… Can’t remember either, all I know is that I was naked and had some magical drink in my right hand both times…. Or my left?

Local hangout?

Marbella, Olivia Valere you will find me behind the DJ, unless I am bouncing around the kitchen, club, restaurant, terrace and lounge… Kinda hard to keep up with most of the time… TEQUILA!

Top party tip?

If taking shots you need a Safe Word, preferably come up with something prior to the 5 shots you just had, but always fun. GO WILD, dance like mad, with everyone, everywhere - but beware that you can keep on dancing without getting too drunk and flunked, there is nothing worse than one of your friends being asked to leave because they just too cool for school. (Alternatively make sure you have a good link that loves your tits - I meant loves your bits. Ffs too many shots - LOVES YOU TO BITS).

Next on your party hitlist?

It’s obviously got to be Burning Man. I want to be surrounded by magical mystical souls, pretty faces, psychedelic clothes, and music FOREVER…

Freddie wears 'I’M NOT A PARTYGIRL' top.
Buy yours here.




This BBC Journalist, Oxford University Graduate & Marques Almeida Model jives with lots of pants & snake soup.
Scarlett’s world is somewhat ethereal, as is her social orbit.
Peruse her travel essentials & join the ‘arrostito’ tribe.
Scarlett’s world is somewhat ethereal, as is her social orbit.
Peruse her travel essentials & join the ‘arrostito’ tribe.